Sport Court Texas
Sport Court Texas

Sport Court Texas

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Experience the convenience of playing all your favorite sports on a single court.

Southwest Courts & Floors, Inc. is the sole supplier of SPORT COURT surfaces and components for both outdoor game courts and indoor gymnasium flooring. With over 125 years of experience in court construction and sports flooring, its network of exclusive SPORT COURT Dealers serves Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. Choosing Sport Court products guarantees you a safe playing surface and a lifetime relationship with the top dealer network in the nation. Make SPORT COURT your game’s name.


Trust Sport Court of Texas to construct your custom pickleball court and multi-sport game court.

Pickleball has become one of the most sought-after sports in the Southwest and across the country, and Sport Court can provide a cushioned playing surface that is much safer and more comfortable than plain concrete with painted lines. Feel the difference in your legs and joints when you play on Sport Court surfaces.
